You can choose to take certain guided walks too if you are interested – but I prefer to walk with an open mind and imbibe the environment as you walk.
Connect Mind And Body
A mindful walk successfully helps you to connect your mind to your body. While walking you tend to focus on your body, feeling its natural posture, movement, how your body acts while walking fast and slow, when your body needs rest and so on. This in itself gives your mind an idea of where work is needed, especially if there is a need for healing.
When your mind is aware of your body it subconsciously looks after the healing when you are sleeping and this keeps you healthy.
2. Mindful Walking Calms Your Mind
3. Mindful Walking Motivates You To Achieve Better
Its those small steps that would make a huge goal possible, it is those tiny steps that would let you cover larger areas. Mindful Walking motivates you to achieve better results and goals, this is possible because it lets you introspect on your lifestyle. Makes you thing – what your goal is and and how to achieve it. Also the energy to work improves thereby giving you that much needed boost to work.
4. Adds Gratitude and Joy To Life
Have you ever wondered what happens to your mind when it gets lots of fresh thought, ideas and goals. It starts making its own gratitude list, which with time becomes a practice. Gratitude is the best way to get oneself to living with more peace and joy.
The space between mental exertion and joy of working is a very narrow one – if you can pin that small space you sure are going to be the most happy person one can see. Mindful walking gives you a chance to visit exactly that very space by appreciating things around you and reflecting upon yourself as a person.
5. Drive Away Frustration
Frustration sets in when you feel you life is become monotonous and slowly you begin to degrade within yourself. This makes you distracted in your work, angry without any need for it, annoyed with people around you and always caught in some thought that makes you forget the present moment. Mindful Walking enables you to get your happy hormones working for you.
Physical work makes you feel better especially because of the secretion of endorphins, dopamine and serotonin secreting due to relief from constant pressure. This elates your mood, makes your mind feel free of the burdening pressure and makes you happy.
Frustration thus is driven away.In fact a good walk can reset your mind for working better and your output increases by manifold. You can notice that the dumped up thoughts that were making you feel discouraged slowly move out of you with the speed of your walk.
6. Connect With The World
What is around you? Have you stopped a moment and taken account of what is happening around you. We live in this universe as if we are just meant to pass each day and complain about being over burdened with karma- well, life is more than that. There are a lot of things that are appreciable, that are an extension of you which – is around you and within you.
Mindful walking makes you feel the universe within you and outside you. with time you would begin understanding that everything you see in this universe is there with a purpose and so are you. This connect with the universe makes you understand the bliss that this life is.
The sights you see, the sounds you hear and how your body reflects to them is all a part of things you will learn while walking mindfully.
You sure would change when you walk mindfully – The positive effects are so overwhelming to go unseen
How To Walk Mindfully
Mindful walking begins with finding the right space to walk, you can either choose outdoors or even your hallway if you are not able to go out.
Mindful walking is not any sort of a strict ritual and does not need you to go into a meditative state, however you need to start getting aware of your body as and when you begin your walk. Try not to be distracted by devices that would want you to stop/slow down your walk, this is important because when you walk in a single pace for long you slowly get into a state of calm. This eventually will lead you to concentrate on your breadth as if on autopilot.
When you begin mindful walking you sure are going to get thoughts without any control, thoughts of your day to day activity, about people you discussed or thought of or even the situations or stress you are going through.
Don’t stop these thoughts, let them pass by, try to sort them out, class them into different sections or find a solution for each of them. This way you will get rid of things that are making you anxious or are disturbing you.
Slowly the thoughts will dissipate and you will begin getting mindful and aware about yourself and the things around you. With time this awareness will start as you begin your walk without effort.
Here are steps to walk mindfully
- Begin your walk in a normal pace. You can walk with your hands on your sides, lose and don’t release all tensions that you may feel.
- Begin with repeating the numbers 1 to 100 as you walk. This is just to make sure you are conscious about your walk, if you are in a small space count till 10 and turn back and again count till 10.
- With each step become aware of your steps, your feet, how they are placed on the floor while you walk, slowly feel the muscles move, your nerves and tendons within your legs are flexing as you move. Pay attention to the shifting of body weight from one leg to another, notice the shifting of your body from one side to another.
- Your mind will tend to wander, whatever it is that is capturing your attention, make sure to come back to the sensation of our walking, do it as naturally as you can, if the thoughts do not seem to get out of your mind, don’t worry – linger on that thought – introspect the thought and find out why it seems to be never leaving you.
- look around you as you walk, take in the sensation of the environment around you, become aware of the atmosphere.
With each step become aware of your steps, your feet, how they are placed on the floor while you walk, slowly feel the muscles move, your nerves and tendons within your legs are flexing as you move.
- Pay Attention To The Sounds – Slowly begin turning your attention towards the sounds that you can hear around you. You do not have to name each sound but differentiate among them, get to a deep sense of finding which ones of them is pleasant and which ones are unpleasant. Simply try to listen – the wind passing through, people speaking, birds chirping, listen to the sounds and walk mindfully.
- Become Aware Of The Smell – Now shift your awareness to the different smells around you. You don’t have to go about sniffing – just be aware of what you smell now, at present. Feel the air passing through your nostrils, they go in, deep into your lungs, fill the lungs and then come back- warm. Become aware of how the smell does not linger on after the air crosses your nostrils, pay attention to the sense of smell.
- Move To Vision – Look around as you mindfully walk. Your stance is the same, your pace has not changed but your vision is becoming broader, capture those colours and objects around you. Look with intent, observe what you see. You may have been here a lot of times and done this walking but today is different, the vibrant colours and the different objects in your path are being observed by you. You know why most of these are here – if you are outdoor- you can exact colors and objects and whatever else you see. Instead of daydreaming while walking begin noticing the different things that are around you.
- Maintain The Awareness – Where ever you are, just move with intent, move with awareness and keep gaining knowledge as you walk mindfully. You are not here to change what is going around you, you are here to notice while walking- keep walking.
- Get Back To Your Physical Sensations – You have been mindfully walking and have enjoyed the bliss of mindful listening and mindful seeing, now come back to the sensations that is happening in your body. How does your feel feel? Has your pace remained same from beginning to end of walking. Notice your feet again touching the ground. Notice again the movements in your body with each step. Notice the flexing muscles and the changing steps.
When you are ready to end your mindful walking, slow down, wait for a moment, stand still and take a long breath. Go through your walk and find the joyous moments, fix them in your mind. Go through the things you have decided to do further in the day – make a mental note to complete them. Take a moment to thank the universe- in your mind repeat three times
Thank You Universe For This Mindful Walk
Thank You Universe For Seeping In Happiness Into Me
Thank You Universe For The Wonderful Time