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HomePositive ThinkingSimple Indian Moms September Gratitude - Trying To Say Thank You...

Simple Indian Moms September Gratitude – Trying To Say Thank You Friends

Blogging was a something that seemed to be a solo journey to me (Till Now) and then I stumbled Upon a lovely group! Blogchatter!

I believe in destiny and have always thought that what ever happens(ever-good, bad, anything) is driven by destiny and it will surely end causing something that is actually good to us. Similar was the feeling when I met this group, it was a query that started the ball rolling.

I was so grateful to have received help that I wrote an entry for Chaayos contest, and hey! I won (Third position)

The Positive Vibes and Gratitude

SIMs September Gratitude

They Say Positive Vibes once set will change your life altogether, mine was something like that!

A friend of mine suddenly came up with a plan that was back in my head from almost 9 years and tell you what that plan was beginning to pull in everybody around me.

I became friends with more people, my social identity began becoming more and more visible, my blogging journey started becoming quicker – and all this within a month.

Happening September

I believe and practice gratitude regularly, thanks to Rajnandgaon and Kavita Rajoria for introducing me to The Secret 0f Rhonda Byrne and Richa Rao for the Book (Oh I need to return that!)

I have since then always had everything around me – positive.

Children, Husband, Family life, Professional Life, Studies, business- everything.

September had so much positivity around me that Now I am ready with an ecourse (free introductory) coming up after the holidays!, a biz plan – with strong roots and also lots and lots of friends who are helping me day in and day out!

If this is not an happening month, what else would be.

My List Of Gratitude – Being the First It is Going to Be LONG

Simple Indian Mom
SIMs September Gratitude List
  1. I always start with my mother- she has been the pillar to all my strength till date and continues to be so. I thank her every morning when I get up to have made me the person I am.
  2. My Husband – A true example of support, unconditional love and true motivation. Without him I find myself soulless. I think we were made for each other and would have found one another one way or other. I thank him for everything! Everyday!
  3. My Children – No Parents can have better kids than us. The pair is the best. They encourage me everyday to write better and work harder (It may sound a bit reverse). Thanks to them to have chosen us as their parents.
  4. My Siblings – If I say I want to jump in a well, my brother and sister wouldn’t mind testing it before letting me, true, they support me blindly in everything I do. I sometimes feel that I must have done some great deeds in my earlier births to have got such lovely people.

So with the personal circle done here I am to show my gratitude to all those lovely people who havepushed me through September towards my life goals.

Team Blogchatter


  1. Richa Singh –  The one person who I have not yet chatted personally is the one behind the awesomeness. Her team (which I don’t know who or how many) are really great support. Thank You guys for all the support.
  2. Chandni -I wanted to write something on organic foods, but it took better shape after I spoke to this wonderful lady. My perception of entertaining readers changed after that – Chandni I really owe you thanks!
  3. Blogchatter Friends – Amrita, Mayuri, Deepa,  Jai, Ramya, Dixi, Shinjini, Rajlakshmi, Saumy, Atul, Anindya, Sam, Upasna, Manavi, Mayura. And many more whom I have known within this month, have made my blogging experience really funfilled and enjoyable.

Gift and Benevolences

SIMs September Gratitude List

It was an awesome month, I got many gifts, such as the one from chaayos, a book from an author (for review of course), the children playing kit, Himalayas goodies, and lots and lots of offers for reviews, product promotion and to top it all two birthday gifts from my husband!

I am in the best part of my life filled with positivity and love. Satisfied, Happy and Calm..September..

This post is part of #DailyChatter by blogchatter and #UBC

Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi aka Simple Indian Mom is an Agricultural Microbiologist and helps moms to keep their family and kids naturally healthy both mentally and physically.


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