C Section has become very common off late. However there is a difference between Planned vs Emergency C Section.
When it comes to having a baby, there are all sorts of things to keep in mind right from conception to delivery.
While some of the things cannot be interfered, some can be controlled by doing the right things.
For a healthy pregnancy a woman may get too many advices from
- what to eat,
- how long to walk or exercise,
- how to sleep and so on.
Despite doing the best during the course of the pregnancy and wanting to have a normal vaginal delivery, things do not turn alike for everybody.
There happens to be one or more reasons determining the way delivery is done. While no woman would consciously opt for a C- section, there are few cases when things go out of control.
This is where a planned c section becomes an emergency c section.
When C Section Is Planned
The broader question is would anyone plan to have a C section. Yes they would if they have one of the underlying issues.
1. Had a previous delivery which had to be an emergency C section
2. If one carries more than one baby
3. If the baby’s head has not been set (usually the head section of the baby should be at the opening of the vagina)
4. If the baby has a complication that could make vaginal birth risky
Excluding the above and some other medical reasons there are some women and families which opt for planned C section for several reasons that are not medical.
Planned C Section – Issues
It is important for them to know the issues that come along with a planned c section.
1. Planned C section may lead to several futuristic problems for the mother and child. This is because when an emergency C section is scheduled in a hurry, it gives the baby the time to go through the regular labour stress and make it come into contact with bacteria from the mother. This is the good bacteria which is responsible in imparting immunity to the child. In a planned emergency, the mother does not get the pain nor does the child get the bacteria which helps in developing immunity. This is a big loss for the baby.
2. Children born through a C section delivery can be exposed to various allergies, breathing problems, increased risk of obesity, high risk for diabetes.
3. These children may have low immunity leading to several other health issues which arise only because they have been delivered through a c section.
4. As for mothers, recovery from c section could take much longer than vaginal delivery. Besides, C section is a major abdominal surgery and there is risk of secondary complications arising during recovery such as excess bleeding, pain and blood clots.
5. In addition every child birth post the c section in most cases would be another c section and with every c section complications may increase leading to poor health of the mother.
It is therefore important for people to take informed decisions before rounding up on a single method of delivery. It is always better to try to get a normal delivery and only in case when things go out of hand should one accept for a c section.