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HomeMoney MattersSix Things You Must Know Before Applying or Online Writing Gigs

Six Things You Must Know Before Applying or Online Writing Gigs

Before internet, writing jobs were few and mostly professional like writing for a magazine or newspaper or a book. Now, with internet online jobs are available in abundance and quite easy to find. But, do they pay you? If you are avid writer then starting a blog can earn you well. Otherwise, applying for online jobs is a good option. While applying for such writing jobs it is important to know if they are genuine. It is also important to apply only for those jobs that meet your skill set and your time constraints.


1. Do not apply to every job you find:

Don?t waste hours going through jobs on every site rather, try to land one or two permanent writing positions? Going through all the job listings not only takes away your most productive hours of the day, it also does not guarantee a short term or a long term job. Most of it are one time stints and your payment will be the last priority for the employer.

2. Choose writing jobs that can utilize your experience:

If you were working, say for example as a teacher you can look for writing jobs where your experience can be utilized. You can write on kids behaviour, proper way of teaching etc. Employers looking for writers with your experience will most definitely employ you.

3. Let your profile carry your work:

Legitimate employers will want to review your past work, so add it to your profile. You will create an impression and also save time. You can include work from your project or your blog if you are a first timer. Remember that the expectations of every employer is different. Ask they are looking for anything specific and base your writing on that.

4. Be flexible in your writing:

While some employers may want a technical write-up, some may want a simple narrative. Make sure to ask for details and stick to it. You can easily move away from the pace if it is different from your usual style of writing.

  1. Overlook the mass job offering sites:

If you are new to this type of job, then try and keep away from the mass job offering websites. Not only will you have lot of competition, it is quite difficult to land a paying job. Look for websites away from these and search for small ones that offer good jobs. Of course a bit of research and time has to be invested for this.

  1. Other type of writing jobs:

Apart from the job listings, there are also writing jobs like blogging and reviewer. You can be your own boss by creating a blog and writing on it or you can write for other blogs that pay. Or you can be a reviewer and write reviews for products and services. For this, you will have to provide a disclaimer mentioning that you are getting paid to review. You can look for companies that post jobs online for reviewers. Even e-commerce websites like offer such jobs.

Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi aka Simple Indian Mom is an Agricultural Microbiologist and helps moms to keep their family and kids naturally healthy both mentally and physically.
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