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HomeParentingPregnancy and Mood Swings - Sivaranjani

Pregnancy and Mood Swings – Sivaranjani

As the old saying goes “Pregnancy is a rebirth for every woman” I would say “It is a battle a woman faces every time to bring a new life into the world?

When a girl becomes pregnant, she undergoes a tremendous change in all dimensions of her life especially her thoughts. She is often bumped with questions like

?What is happening to my body??

?Is this me talking or the hormones talking??

?Why am I getting weird fantasy dreams??

?Why am I crying for no reasons??

?Why am I angry all the time??

?Who am I??

It happens with every girl who undergoes the big long journey of motherhood.

If you are pregnant you might experience any or all the following happenings.

1.In the first trimester, it is common to suffer with morning sickness. Your taste buds take up a different job of tasting entirely different and your digestive system rejects what ever arrives inside. Though it is very difficult to eat up to the expectation, better try to keep something in the tummy. You might very often find yourself sleepy in the day time and wide awake in the night time. Your mood will be very low and you would have started thinking ?Pregnancy is not easy at all?. These times you should keep yourself cheered up by doing things which ever you might be interested like reading books, hearing music or even joining pregnancy forums in the web.

2.The second trimester is the best and interesting phase since you would have got ridden of most of the morning sickness. Your energy levels will be up and you might even get fantasy and weird dreams which you have not experienced so far. These dreams are mostly because of the pregnancy hormones. You might feel very sensitive to trivial issues. Small misunderstandings get amplified and give a lasting impact in your brain. This is the phase you should be patient, put all the blame on the pregnancy hormones and be peaceful. Most of the women at this stage face a lot of mental trauma that too in Indian families.


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  • Though Indian women are meant to have the maximum threshold in handling relationship issues, you should refrain yourself from all the problems and give a ?deaf ear? to the surroundings. This will keep you and your baby sane. If the problems are too endangering, better to get away from the atmosphere temporarily which keeps the situation boiling. Once you are out of the problematic environment, you might think more placidly and you will be able to prioritize appropriately. Most of the problems will be solved when it is approached from out of the box.


  • 3. The third trimester goes like ?I want to see and hold my baby?. All these three months are mostly on ?Baby thinking?. You might feel very tired even to sit and stand. You always pretend yourself carrying the baby and watch your ?bulging tummy? in your shadow. You would have started reading on ?delivery stories? and get emotional on seeing any thing related to baby. You will be directing your own delivery sequences in your mind. Finally the big day arrives and you actually hold your precious baby with all the pain in your body.

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About the Author

K. SivaRanjini, isa home maker looking after her darling daughter who is 2 and half years old. She previously rocked the IT industry as a well renowned tester and automation script developer. She has a passion for writing and painting. She likes to optimize things which otherwise takes so long to be done and sticks to schedule. She says her dear husband calls her ?Time Table? which is self explanatory. Books are her best companions.


Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi aka Simple Indian Mom is an Agricultural Microbiologist and helps moms to keep their family and kids naturally healthy both mentally and physically.
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