I take on the baton of Blog Love from Dr Anshul
It has been 10 years since I started Simple Indian Mom!
Simple Indian MomOh Yes! It seems like just yesterday I was browsing the net learning blogspot and wordpress, learning how to type and learning how to create content.
I was very particular in my niche – it was going to be women centric, moms especially and moms who would be so busy doing all the stuff at home that they would want someone to share their thoughts with and learn something new.
Simple Indian Mom – The Name

It was somehow fixed from day one that this was going to be the name. I had never discussed or asked opinion from anyone, it was SIM and I stuck with her through all these years.
When I started out no one had any idea what I was doing, in fact some of my friends told me blogspot was the best place to blog. But I wanted no tail behind SIM, I wanted her alone and here she is – alone and happy as SimpleIndianMom
My blogging was not something that was planned to earn money or vent my feelings, I very steadily progressed towards something that was well thought out and implemented timely.
Though there were offers from people to make it into a commercially hit site, I never gave in because as I had planned earlier, I wanted SIM to be simple and really really clean site.
Simple Indian Mom – My Brain Child
I have always seen Simple Indian Mom as my brain child. I love her so much that I can never part with her, she is someone who has given me all the worth.
Today I conduct workshops on mindmapping, workshops on parenting and nutrition – it is all because of her.
If people take me seriously as an organic food producer – it is a gift SIM has given me.
People recognize me as a good writer, ask me to join their forums and give me opportunities that I can handle from home – all because of SIM.
Simple Indian Mom -The Love Of My Life
Today on the Valentines day – I can never thank SIM enough for the love she has given me.
I know I love her and I her nothing but my time – She has given value for that time.
Yes! Simple Indian Mom – my love of life has made me The Simple Indian Mom – how much can I love her for that.
I am participating in the #BlogLove posts with #Blogchatter
I pass on the baton of Blog Love to Saumy Nagach
I am linking the post to #Magicoflove contest by #Novembers Child