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HomeParentingKids Creative Activities During Summer

Kids Creative Activities During Summer

This post is another sample submitted by Sanchita.

Kids are full of energy. When this energy is channelized in right direction, by giving the right kids creative activities, they don?t trouble anyone. Parents are very busy now-a-days and keeping these young kids occupied in vacations and in holidays is an uphill task for them. No mother wants her kid to be hooked to the television set. If we can provide them activities which they would love to do, then they will only watch the idiot box occasionally.

This is a time which can be utilised for enhancing the capabilities of our beloved kids. Here are some activities which will not only keep kids occupied but will also improve their knowledge and develop their personality.

Here are a few activities you could do with your children and keep them occupied.

Colouring and painting

Give your kids enough papers, colouring book, crayons and water colours and encourage them to draw and colour. Initially sit with them and draw, so that he will be interested in doing it.

Advanges of Colouring

Colouring helps a child to control his hands for drawing accurately. A great amount of concentration is also needed here. It also helps in developing the creativity, imagination, fine motor skills and cognitive skills.

String and colourful beads

It is also one of the activity which your kid would love to do. Give him a thick string and some colourful beads. Tell him to put the beads one by one in the string and create a necklace.


This activity improves the concentration, hand eye coordination, motor skills and confidence of the kids.


Puzzle is an activity which improves the reasoning abilities, concentration, hand eye coordination and self confidence of the kids. Initially start with easy puzzles and gradually proceed to the difficult ones.
Clay and dough



This is an activity enjoyed by kids since time immemorial. Give your kids Clays of different colour available in the market and let them create whatever they want.


In kids the attention span is short, but playing with play dough helps in increasing the attention span. Not only the kid learns about different colour but it also helps in developing motor skills and it also develops the creative side of their mind.

Board Games



Kids of all age groups love them. But these games should be age appropriate. Board game ensures quality time with family and friends. It also helps in the overall development of young minds.


It is a stress reliever and has educating value. Kids learn counting; recognise colours and it also improves hand eye coordination. Kids learn to accept defeat and their self confidence are boosted when they win.

Water squeezing by a sponge

Kids love water games. Take two containers, fill one of them with water and keep other one empty. Tell your kid to dip a sponge in the first one and empty it in the second container.


It improves the motor skills and hand eye coordination.

Music and dance

Put on the music and let them dance to their favourite number. Music has a positive impact on their young minds and helps them in learning. Dancing not only is a fun activity for them but it also helps them grow as a person.


By dancing they learn balance and coordination. It also boosts their self confidence.

House hold chores

You can involve them in your daily household chores according to their age. Not only will this help them finish your work faster but it is also beneficial for them in the long run.


When these young minds help and contribute in household work they feel happy and competent. It also makes them responsible. Those kids who don?t contribute in household chores at a young age are very likely that they won?t do it when they grow up. They can help in dusting the house, sorting clothes for laundry, folding and arranging the clean clothes, arranging the table for dinner etc.


Majority of kids love this activity. Take their help in taking out the weeds and watering the plants. Teach them how to sow seeds properly.


Gardening not only is an educating activity but also makes them responsible. It has a calming effect on them.

Paper cutting and sticking

This is an activity enjoyed by the kids. Give them a pair of scissors, glue, plain white paper and colourful magazines. Teach them how to cut and stick pictures. Initially sit next to them when they are using the scissors. First start with simple shapes and then proceed to the difficult ones.

These activities help in developing hand strength and control and improve hand eye coordination.

Transferring and sorting beans

Give your kid a bowl filled with different types of (beans), spoon and empty bowls. Tell him to transfer the bean with the spoon from the filled bowl to the empty one. You can also tell him to sort different beans and keep them in different bowls.


This activity improves hand eye coordination and fine motor skills.


Take them for a stroll in the neighbourhood. They would love your company and their energy will be channelized in the right direction and they won?t trouble you either.


Cycling is an activity loved by all kids. It makes them happy and healthy. It helps in combating obesity by burning excess fat. It is one of the best forms of exercise and is good for mental well being.
Teaching subject matter

Vacations are perfect time to teach young kids their subject ahead of the class, so that when it is taught in the class it will be a revision for them. The toppers generally finish their course in the vacations.
Doing these simple activities will ensure that these long holidays will be well enjoyed, without you kid feeling bored too.

Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi aka Simple Indian Mom is an Agricultural Microbiologist and helps moms to keep their family and kids naturally healthy both mentally and physically.


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