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HomeMoney MattersHome Based Business Ideas - Photography

Home Based Business Ideas – Photography

Most often than not coming up with the right business idea becomes difficult than doing the business itself. Especially for work at home moms who take up business with too many doubts as on how to effectively distribute the available time for the family, children and the business, taking a step towards business is something like an herculean task.

Business is Business

Whether it is a multi-million dollar enterprise or a small business done from home the effort involved, planning and execution is all the same. Thus making a hit with your business solely remains on how confident you are towards your chosen goal. Keeping in mind your investment and time that you can dedicate to your business, begin a business with no hesitation at all, well if you ask me, I would strongly say- winning and losing begins within your mind. If you want to win, You Surely Will Win.

Different Home Based Business Ideas

A simple search in the internet would give you so many options for a home based idea that you are sure to be overwhelmed by the number. However choosing the one that would suit you the best is where the trick lies. Well, here is a list of 25 home based small business that I feel would fit well for work from home moms who would want to keep close to their families.

Idea No 1: Photography

Are you good at photography, well this is for you then. Digital photography has increased the scope of online uploads and you can get good returns selling the lovely moments you have captured. With more and more people searching for online works, blogs and websites have become to be owned by every Tom, Dick and Harry and the wonderful point here is that all of these Toms, Dicks and Harrys are in need of photos that exactly describe their articles. If you are brilliant enough you can earn quite a large sum from the comfort of your home.

Capturing the right moments Photography involves capturing the right moments with right specifications and clarity. I have sometimes searched photos such as writing or a pen or pencil for such long hours that I really have wondered what if someone sold me these photos without involving such long hours of searching.

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A Photo Blog

You could even set up a photo blog that primarily involves posting photos which can either be downloaded free of cost giving a link to your website or purchased at a small price. You can see an example of this in, and many other photo blogs. If taken seriously and done with dedication such as timely update, more number of photos, various apt poses, good clarity and fine angel you can make a living out of photography comfortably.


Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi aka Simple Indian Mom is an Agricultural Microbiologist and helps moms to keep their family and kids naturally healthy both mentally and physically.


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