Happiness and Gratitude need to be cultivated from within. Though the practice may seem tough and bring in the beginning, you would really be overwhelmed with the results that you see with time.
The Dalai Lama SaysÂ
“Everyday, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others; to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others. I am going to benefit others as much as I can.”
I strongly adhere to this practice. It has so much effect on my happiness quotient and my total behavior towards others in every aspect.
- I do not get angry any more on my kids.
- Shouting at the kids is not anything common around my home.
- Children are not stressed before exams or even in anything related to studies.
- In fact they are performing even better than before.
- Misunderstandings do not get verbal, they are better understood and empathy is followed.
And all this not with any mantras or magic, but with thankfulness and the practice of gratitude.
If you had asked me a few years earlier what I am grateful of I would have come with a list of favors and gifts received. That was the much I had known about being grateful then.
If I think of them now I really feel I had been so naive and surreal with the word Gratitude.
 Practicing Gratitude – How I Did
I am a spiritual person, I try and find the scientific reasons behind every spiritual preaching. That was how I started reading every religious teachings I could.
When I was at school I remember my Muslim friend discussing about the different aspects of her Ramadan fasting with me, I began reading about it, and many other fasting rituals we Indians follow.
Every religion had the same goal and all them taught the practice of gratitude.
I tried and have failed a lot of times practicing Gratitude. There are so many journals, all half way through.
I have learnt now that with practice and patience we can surely learn to make Gratitude – our own golden thread to happiness.
Within a few months I started enjoying times spent with my family better. Life started getting brighter and happier.
I seem to be able to multitask without any difficulty and I had lesser and lesser complaints by the day.
Can You Begin Practicing Gratitude
Through My Happiness Course I have met so many people who have share their difficulties with me. They have problems from the time they get up till they go to bed.
Problems with health, children, in laws, bosses, co workers, friends and so many many things.
However within a month of practicing gratitude there seems to be a sudden flow of positivity in the very language they speak. They have become happy, their time is more qualitatively spent and their family life has become better.
One person in particular who was taking antidepressant has now catapulted herself into the circle of joy we have created together.
It takes a few minutes of time every day and nothing else.
You Can Join The Simple Indian Mom’s Circle Of Joy For Free. All you need to do is send an email to me @ thesimpleindianmom@gmail.com.
You can also contact me though my FB page Simple Indian Mom
My November Gratitude List – What Am I ThankFul Of
My grandmother used to start her day thanking all 33 crore gods ! There is never a day when I used to ask her who were all these, when I think of it I feel she must have included the nature, people and all souls around her.
That is what I do now and have found it a great way of starting a happy day.
The Blogging Community
This November has particularly been great for me. After the Alexa campaign by TheBlogchatter I had become comfortable with the blogging community around me. Thanks to team blogchatter for roping me in, I was a reluctant participant at first, but enjoyed thoroughly as we progressed together.
I now enjoy being a part of The Bar and  Write Tribe FB groups. Thank You Shailaja V and Corinne Rodrigues.
My Site – My Brainchild
I treasure my Simple Indian Mom very close to heart, she has got a new look, all green and organic.
I have attained good ALexa Ranks, Better Visits and a Huge list of subscribers.
I have also started two blog hops
#HappySunday on sundays as a fun filled link up and #MondayMommyMoments for mom bloggers to share their mommy moments with us and also get more views.
Thanks to all the bloggers who have linked. Thanks to all those who would be linking up in future.
SIM ORGANICS – My Organic Business
Sim OrganicsNature and Organinc food has always been something that I love and profess about. I am dead against fast food and the so called fancy foods. I strongly believe that less knowledge about out traditional food and lesser availability has made people sought out to these fad foods.
And thus I have chosen to cultivate quality food grains, minor millets, greens and so on and make them available easily.
I have started SIM ORGANICSÂ Â my own brand of organic produce. I am now happily becoming an organic food producer and supplier.
I thank my husband, children, mom, my siblings and god to give me this opportunity and also support me through – from the beginning.
My Studies
Yes! I am doing a full time PhD in Agricultural Microbiology. I want to make agriculture and food as healthy and human friendly as possible.
I thank all my professors, co students and my chairman for making it easier for me to continue studying even after the recent transfer of my husband. Though I travel long to attend classes and take exams, I learn a lot in the process.
My research is going on and I am positive that it is going to give a lot of insight about Phylloshere microorganisms and help in enhancing the silk industry in Janjgir Champa.
My Novel – Ponni
My Novel is unfurling to completeness, I have utilized Namowrimo well, and have almost completed the last few chapters that were pending. I now would get it edited soon and then set the wheels towards the publishing process.
Thanks to Varun for the constant and the much required nudge.
My Family – My Golden Thread
I thank them every day and every hour!
I have got the best people around me, it was like god handpicked and sent them for me. If I have to thank my husband and children mentioning everything they do day in and day out for me, I would require one new blog.
From small things to big, my entire family is there, supporting, encouraging, working with and for me.
With a smile, lots of gratitude and happiness ends this months list.
I am joining #FridayReflections with Write Tribe
Gratitude Circle with Vidhya Sury
Thankful Thursdays with Amrita and Tina