Have you ever thought about what happens around you or Within You?
Mindfulness! Yes, that is what I am asking have you been mindful?
Off-late life has become too busy and almost completely online. People are busy taking selfies and updating their facebook profiles and Instagram.
However how useful is this to improve you as a person.
Have you ever thought of the latest interaction with your children?
Why is Mindfulness Important?
To be mindful is to make a gentle effort to be continuously present in a place, with the people around you and the environment in which you are.
Mindfulness is a simple practice, all you need to be is – be aware!
Life is too small to waste it with unwanted and irrelevant behavior. Here are 5 quotes on Mindfulness
#FridayQuote #1 The Present Moment
Live in the present moment, the past is already gone and future is a mystery, so don’t worry about the past or the future. Live now!
#FridayQuote #2 Have a Me Time
Have a time just for yourselves. This is important to realize about yourself and your priorities.
#FridayQuotes #3 Joy
Joy has to be incited from deep within, superficial happiness will not sustain for long.
#FridayQuotes #4 Peace
Mindfulness begins when you find peace within yourselves and with people around you. True happiness comes only when you remove the sorrow and anger inside.
#FridayQuotes Mindfulness
You need to understand yourself, find peace within your and practice gratitude. This alone can make you a better and mindful person.
The practice of mindfulness becomes a habit when you embrace yourselves and begin slowly but consciously.