The fifth month of pregnancy is a feel good month for most of the moms-to-be because that’s the time when morning sickness would have left you and you seem to be in a stable mood.

- It is also the month where the mom-to-be starts feeling the tiny kicks of her little one.
- Well, it is also the month when the baby bump becomes more visible, thus causing more pelvic pressure.
- Due to this, the centre of gravity of the body starts changing causing backache.
- Heartburn starts occurring.
Do’s and Don’ts of Fifth Month Of Pregnancy
Here are the list of Do’s and Don’ts during the fifth month of pregnancy that will guide you to enjoy your pregnancy.
DO’S – A List You Need To Stick To:
Visit your doctor for an Ultrasound :
The first thing to do is to visit the gynecologist and get the ultrasound done. This is to make sure that the baby is having a healthy growth inside the tummy. In fact your gynecologist would have suggested you to do this, so do not miss this months ultrasound.
2. Comfortable Clothing:
During the 5th month, your skin becomes more sensitive and rashes seem to appear in many parts of the body. Also, as your tummy starts growing.
Hence, it is very important to wear comfortable clothing. Also, as the center of gravity of the body starts to change, wear comfortable shoes to avoid tripping over.

3. Posture:Is Very Important For Your Future
Consult your doctor to get advice on the right posture during sitting, standing and sleeping. Always try to keep your back straight. Rest your back when required. It is always advisable to sleep on the left side as it increases the blood flow to the uterus.
Make sure to get some comfortable sleeping bed for pregnancy so that you can give enough rest to yourselves and your baby. Sleeping position from this month on is very important because it will guide your child’s position inside your tummy.
Look for pregnancy pillow such as the one below
The advantage of such pillows are that you can use them in more than one ways – you can use them while sleeping, as a backrest while sittings and foot rest if you want to keep your legs raised
4. Mindfulness Practice
If you have been following my advice from month of mindful pregnancy you will now be aware of being mindful during pregnancy. This is very important because mindfulness practice guides your child to get ready to face the world with more calm, courage and enthusiasm.
Try to keep yourself positive -it goes a long way in making your child emotionally stable. Read as much as possible and also keep yourself busy rather than lazing around.
How to practice mindfulness when you are pregnant
After entering the fifth month of pregnancy you would begin feeling the little one within you more than the earlier months. This is because the baby has already developed almost all the organs and limbs.
He/she is now very cautiously listening to you and feeling you. You need to use this attachment between the two of you to bring about positive changes in your kid.
- every morning before you get up from your bed, express gratitude to god/nature (depends on your belief). Reassure yourself that the day is going to be a very happy and lovely one.
- Slowly pass your palm over your stomach and bless your child, give him/her the positive energy you have just now acquired.
- Refresh yourselves and then go to a quiet corner or balcony of your home. Sit in any position you feel comfortable in and then in a calm voice tell your child how much you love him/her. give a brief of how your sleep was and what you felt like when you got up.
- engage your child in your daily activities, tell him what is going on within and around you.
- Before you go to bed, follow the morning mindfulness practice.
5. Diet: is Very Important
During the fifth month, there are more chances of constipation. Hence, it is very important to stay hydrated. Drink water or fresh juices at regular intervals.
Begin having half a spoon of chia seeds in the morning. You can also have flax seeds, make a powder of flax seeds if you are not able to take them as seeds. You can get organic chia seeds online from SIM Organics
It is also important to get proper nutrients during this period so that it aids the growth of the baby. Take at least 2 glasses of milk every day. Or you can opt for curd too.
Calcium is going to be something that you will be needing for a long period from now on, hence make sure to get exposed to sun in the early mornings during sunrise. Vitamin D3 that can be accumulated from the suns rays are very important to help you to accumulate calcium.
You can have 1/4th cup of sunflower seeds through the day. This will help you to begin naturally supplementing you with calcium and many minerals for your overall wellbeing during pregnancy
Protein is important for cell growth. So, it is essential to take protein rich diet. Salads and fruits should be taken in adequate quantities because fibrous foods help to avoid constipation.
Also, the nutrients and vitamins found in fruits, greens and salads are important for both the mother and the child.
6. Fitness:
Though it is not advisable to do strenuous activities during this period, it is important to stay active. The doctor would suggest simple exercises during this time of pregnancy.
You can walk slowly in the mornings, this will give you the time to practice mindfulness, talk to your child and also absorb vitamin D from the sun.
6. Stay Positive:
Staying positive is very essential. Though, pregnancy brings lots of excitement and anxiety, stay calm and positive. Talk to the baby!
Positive pregnancy brings about a kind of harmony to you and your child, hence stay away from negativity.
If you are a person who likes to keep record of the monthly changes you can by using journals
7. Improved Appetite:
Fifth month shows improvement in appetite. If you are hungry, eat healthy. Eat small, frequent meals. Avoid oily junk foods. It would cause more heartburn. Stick to healthy food.
8. Take Rest:
Take a nap if you feel so. Give rest to lower back. Your tummy is going to weigh a lttle more than usual from now on. This will place a lot of stress on your hips, so make sure to take enough rest.
9. Edema:
Due to the pressure in abdomen, the hands and legs would be swollen. Drink lots of water to flush toxins out of the system. Also, keep legs a bit raised to avoid swelling.
DON’TS during Fifth Month Of Pregnancy
Try to begin being a bit slow. The following are a list of things you should not do during fifth month of prenancy
Avoid Reflex movements:
Do not try to stand or sit or make sudden movements. Do whatever you do – slowly. You don’t want to jerk your sleeping baby or disturb his/her sleep.
2. No-No! to Alcohol and Caffeine:
Avoid Alcohol, Caffeine as it is not good for the development of baby. Even active/passive smoking is to be avoided. You are responsible for a small being inside you, hence be careful not to indulge in drinking or smoking.
3. Avoid Tight clothing:
Wear clothes and shoes that are comfortable. Tight dresses restrict the movement of your child and hence make sure to wear loose clothing.
4. Do not Worry About Calories
It is natural to gain weight during pregnancy. Do not try to diet. Eat nutritious food to keep yourself and the baby healthy. You have a number of ways to reduce after childbirth.
5. Do not eat fizzy drinks like cola. Avoid fatty foods as they cause heartburns.
6. Avoid eating Papaya, pomegranate and pineapple as they cause contraction of uterus.
7. DO NOT lift weight.
Eat Healthy! Stay Healthy! Enjoy the moment!