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HomeMindful ParentingChildren and Dresses – The Most Expensive Affair Ever

Children and Dresses – The Most Expensive Affair Ever

Dresses for Children
Children and Dresses – The Most Expensive Affair Ever
Children and Dresses – The Most Expensive Affair Ever
Children and Dresses – The Most Expensive Affair Ever

Have you given a thought of how much you pay for the children’s dresses? Well I often do. Every time I go shopping especially for dresses for my children, I feel awed at the price tags.

However, you just can’t avoid buying clothes, can you?

Although I call myself a frugal person, when it comes to dressing up my children and keeping them safe from the environmental and climatic changes, money does take a back seat.

I do have to get all those expensive clothes, that seem to cost a complete wardrobe, and when I come out billing I get tight faced seeing how all I spent on is handed out to me in a small paper bag (oh! Yeah, I really get cross)

Children Dress Stress

I can almost see that smile when you are reading ‘dress stress’ yes, it is true that we get stressed out when it comes to buying dresses to our children. I find the following common issues when I go shopping for children dresses.

  1. The first issue is the exorbitant rates of good dresses – I know most moms would nod vehemently when I say this. It is totally above our heads.
  2. And the second most prevalent problem is that the children outgrow these expensive dresses within no time. At times I feel really bad when I see the pant higher up above the ankles and shirts too tight to fit in. ( Don’t get me wrong here, I know it’s all the nutritional care I give showing up there, but dress – stress prevails)
  3. Third is that (I don’t know whether it is just a personalized case, however) children do not want to wear certain clothes after one time. Yes! It is true and I get confused as to what to do with that dress.
  4. Weather problem – In Chattisgarh we have equal division of season, 3 months of each of summer, winter, rain and spring. And every season has extreme temperatures, thus I need to be equipped with the right clothing. Every year I need to buy a new supply because I can never ever use the same (mostly one time used) dress the next year, children do grow right.


How to Reduce Expenses on Children Dresses

I have done quite a lot of research in this particular section. Believe me, I came up with the option of starting a new brand of child sized dresses too. I couldn’t find the right expertise in Chhattisgarh and hence I have not ventured yet.

But then I do have some great mindful ideas of cutting the cost –when it comes to clothing for the children.

Here are a few inputs you could use

  1. Try to go on a shopping expedition to find factory outlets, these are the places where you get great makes and fits at the least price.
  2. Buy in offseason – when the fall ends you sure would be getting a great offer, go for it, buy a size up and use the next season. Make sure to store well though.
  3. Keep a check on the offers and gift coupons. I just bought some dresses from the stored up coupons.
  4. Oh did I say try the new FBB to get great quality at the lowest of prices

Spending on dresses for children though we know is not as well spent as we do on other a necessary evil. Give us your inputs of how to reduce this cost, let’s see how we can get about it

Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi aka Simple Indian Mom is an Agricultural Microbiologist and helps moms to keep their family and kids naturally healthy both mentally and physically.


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