When you begin shopping for anti aging skin care products you sure are going to be overwhelmed with the amount of products available in the market.
Though you would be given the pros and cons of each product judging them by their ingredients and finding the right product that will best suit your skin is an Himalayan task.
Among the many products present in the market, choosing one with the right ingredients, right amount of sun protection, enough moisturizing effect and the one that suits your skin is the most important.
The other very important quality of an anti aging skin care product is that it should not create any kind of allergies.
To me it is all about ingredients, I have always tried to choose products that use natural and traditional ingredients. And that is what made me want to know more about Mitchell USA the company that has exclusive range of skin care products and have a motto – “WE CARE” .
Aging Of Skin
It is neither a myth nor a secret that as you go through the aging process your organs tend to show off the signs. The one organ and the largest in your body – your skin – is the first one that shows these signs to others around you.
Well, its human nature to become conscious of to what others see of you and how they respond to your looks. Hence taking care of your skin becomes the most important organ as you age.
Skin as we know is made of two vital proteins – namely – Collagen and Elastin
These two proteins are the building blocks of your skin and your skin would look soft, supple and young only until these two proteins are protected and rejuvenated.
When collagen or elastin is damaged you would see loss of tone, sagging, fine lines and wrinkles on your skin. As days pass, these symptoms worsen and cause that aged look.
If you can directly have a product that can protect these two proteins you sure can very safely fight against skin aging.
The Lotus Seeds
I have learnt that some traditional anti aging beauty secrets had one important ingredient in them and that is lotus seeds. These seeds need to be sprouted and at the right time use the enzymes to prepare the anti aging skin cream.
To my surprise, Mitchell USA uses exactly this formula to prepare their anti aging skin care products. In fact they have also done research on how to improved the lotus extract with extract from algal proteins too.
The Enzymes and Proteins Involved
When lotus seeds are let to sprout at the right environmental conditions they produce many enzymes. A very powerful enzyme among them is Methyl Transferase which primarily acts as a protectant to protect the proteins present in them, the methyl transferase along with antioxidants has the capability of repairing and renewing the proteins if they underwent any damage.
Mitchell’s Ageless Products
The best this I found in Mitchell’s Age Less products is that they contain lotus Bio-Repair MT complex, which is an extract from our own sacred seed. It is carefully extracted so that all the peptides, antioxidants, amino acids and biochemicals that help in reducing inflammation.
They also have come up with algal extracts that help in bringing about skin tightening and having anti-aging properties. who would not want to keep their skin youthful and wrinkle free, Mitchell’s anti aging serum does exactly this.
Non Invasive and Non Allergic
Improving your skin tone in a non invasive method is what is the best part when it comes to Mitchell USA and their products. The age less products are completely safe to use and come in the non invasive range of products which makes them completely adorable. I personally would never resort to any kind of invasive procedure to pull my skin and make it tighter.
Anything that can make it look fresh, youthful and luminous without causing damage to skin or bringing about an allergic reaction would be my first choice – which perfectly coincides with Mitchell’s ageless products.
SO tell us how you would choose an anti aging cream or an anti aging product?
Would you go for natural ingredients or chemical laden ones?
Note : This post may contain promotional material