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HomeParentingA Cup of Chai with a Friend – The Real Stress Buster...

A Cup of Chai with a Friend – The Real Stress Buster for Moms


What would be the first thing you think of when you are really stressed out?

A long Walk

A Hot Bath

A Quiet Sleep


A cup Of Chai

Well! I think most of you would surely go for a hot cup of chai, especially moms!

Yes! Every mother when wrung out searches for some peaceful time with a hot cup of chai and would love it more when that chai can be shared with her best friend.

A Good Friend After Marriage Is As Important As A Good Husband!

It is not uncommon for Indian Women to lose contact with their childhood friends after marriage. This most often happens because of moving away from parents to the husband’s place.

Interacting with new people, enjoying new company, trusting people, earning their trust – all this becomes an exercise in itself along with coping up the new environment.

Seldom would you find that your childhood friends remain in touch (albeit all modern technologies) nor do you college friends!

All this, just because of the tradition of totally uprooting you from your birthplace, in the name of marriage and transplanted in a new milieu.

Indian women of course survive this and you might find her getting adeptly close to the new people who have entered her life through the KNOT. And you get to see strong friends from these very new surroundings who might be missed if not talked to on a daily basis.

Friendship, Chai and Stress

I have a friend who says drop in JUST FOR CHAI!

And believe me; I do just that, anytime I feel bored, tired, stressed or simply overworked, I never think twice. I just stop by before entering my lane, go straight and ting the bell – Its Chai Time.

For Moms! The present conditions of living (even earlier too) is so stressful, you need to be an all rounder taking care of what you speak, how you dress, where you go, whom you talk to, check every system in your home, make a menu, prepare food, get the children school ready, exam ready, finish home work, check on the health of the house hold, financial management, garden management, (OMG!! Do we do all that) and more.

So getting stressed is on the cards! However, the problem here is that – a mom will not be able to share it with the husband, she is a wife first and wives can’t speak their mind, it might spark off a huge BATTLE OF PATPAT.

Thus having that very special friend becomes very important. Having a friend to whom you could turn to unconditionally is like enjoying heaven on earth, that one friend to whom you can speak to without having to pose or process what to speak is a blessing in itself.

And if that one friend can infuse a super cup of chai, what else would you need.

Emotional balance is regained once a woman is out with the thing that is troubling her. In fact she is able to move ahead with the life as if nothing has happened.

My Friends

A recent study says that women with more friends sleep better and live longer than ones who have none. Chatting with friends and lessening things that ponder her mind relieves female stress and is very helpful in maintaining her inner peace.

I am blessed with a lot of good friends after mariage , some of them really-really close enough.

The one I speak to when something churns my mind is Dr Meena Prakash, who would listen to everything I say patiently, a patient doctor friend!

The unannounced chai cup awaits at the residence of Dr Anuritha Baht, (ha ha both doctors by profession, keeping me hail and healthy)

Life at present has been turned beautiful by my friends Mercy, Soby, Asha, kavitha, Sangeetha and on and on goes my list of dear friends.

Thus! That one cup of chai and a small chitchat is what saves women from her stress and other probable health issue due to the suppressed and bottled up stress is god send cure your complete family would be thankful of.

Chai, Friendship and Stress are what revolve around a woman, who would in fact get edgy when she misses out on a chai or her friend.

This post has been written in association with Chaayos & Blogchatter on occasion of Friendship Day

Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi aka Simple Indian Mom is an Agricultural Microbiologist and helps moms to keep their family and kids naturally healthy both mentally and physically.
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