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HomeParentingThe First Trimester of Pregnancy ? Facts You should Know

The First Trimester of Pregnancy ? Facts You should Know

  • Absence of menstrual period is a good, but not the only symptom of pregnancy. You might also experience symptoms such as breast changes, tiredness, nausea, hormonal changes, low temperament and so on.
  • A normal pregnancy runs to 40 weeks, however 36 to 38 weeks is a good time to expect your child to emerge safe and healthy.
  • A preg card is a good at home pregnancy test and is right 99% of the time.
  • The pregnacy is grouped into three stages, the first trimester, second trimester and the third trimester.
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First Trimester

The first trimester is usuall the first 14 weeks of your pregnancy. This is considered to be a very important phase of pregnanc because in this stage there is the most rapid development of your entire pregnancy.

In just a short time of 14 weeks your baby will grow from a few cells to a tiny being with small signs of developing eyes, ears, toes and a heart.

What to expect?

Well, any indian movie watcher would know nausea and morning sickness to ?T?. However, there are other discomforts such as the hormonal havoc which makes our mood swing really like the big pendulum in Bol Bachan.

There are also other body changes such as Tender and swollen breasts with the nipples slightl protruding outwards.

Indigestion and stomach problems with a urge to throuw up (speciall in the mornings) and constipation too.

Sudden change in taste buds giving you a feeling of sudden distaste of a food or a craving for some special king of food.

An urge to pass urine too often, headache, tireness, heartburn, weight loss and so on.

What to do?

  • Nutrition and exercise is the very important, the healthier you are the healthier the baby.
  • Cut down the intake of caffeine.
  • Drink plenty of water.


  • Strictly under a phsicians prescription-Start taking a multivitamin daily with 400 micrograms of folic acid and about 100% of the daily value for other included nutrients.
  • Folic acid is vitamin B that helps prevents defects of the neural tube, which develops into the spinal cord and brain during the first 28-30 days of pregnancy.
  • Folic acid is found in enriched grains such as cereal, bread, rice, and pasta, while foliate is abundant in legumes, spinach, strawberries and peas.
  • Due to morning sickness you may lose weight in first 13 weeks. However, there should be a weight gain in the next two trimesters, especially the third trimester.
  • If you are vomiting more than thrice a day, you should seek medical help to decrease your risk of dehydration.
  • Stop taking any drug or supplement, including herbs and vitamins, not recommended by the doctor because it will lead to irreversible fetal harm.
  • Alcohol in an form must be avoided.
  • Don?t let yourself to be too much hungry.
  • Researchers believe that nausea and vomiting is a result of the many physical changes that occur in early pregnancy, including higher levels of hormones. To avoid nausea avoid unappealing odours.
  • Studies shows that use of a vitamin B6 or ginger supplement may decrease the intensity of both nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.
  • Small and frequent meals throughout the day will help to reduce naseau.Don?t let yourself get too hungry, and avoid unappealing odors to reduce nausea. Small frequent meals throughout the day may help quell nausea, fatigue, and heartburn.
  • Wear loose clothes and comfortable shoes.

Probable Infections

  • Take care of Yeast Infection. Yeast infection also known as vaginal candidiasis is more prevalent among pregnant women. It is believed that the high estrogen levels and high glycogen content in vaginal secretions during pregnancy provide a good environment for the yeast to grow rapidly.
  • Talk to the doctor and take medications. Generally probiotic supplement high in L. acidophilus is taken.
  • Blood test in first trimester may predict slow growing fetus, tiny baby. The journal of clinical Endocrinology and metabolism from Ottawa did research and identified a protein IGFBP-4 in pregnant women helps to find out the dangerously small babies in the womb.
  • Researchers studied 72 pregnant women, half who gave birth to dangerously small babies and half who had normal weight babies. They found that women with high levels of the protein IGFBP-4 in the first trimester were 22x more likely to give birth to a dangerously small baby.
  • You should increase the sleeping hours in first trimester because your body undergoes a number of physical and hormonal changes. Go to bed earlier or take naps during the day to increase your quantity of sleep.
  • According to yoga journal during first trimester women should do minor yoga or not doing it.This is to avoid miscarriage. Consult with a physician before beginning any exercise program. Avoid yoga practice if experiencing complications during pregnancy.Expecting a child gives new meaning to healthy living. So enjoy your pregnancy.


Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi aka Simple Indian Mom is an Agricultural Microbiologist and helps moms to keep their family and kids naturally healthy both mentally and physically.


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