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HomeMindful Parenting3 Ways To Overcome Declining Reading Habit Among Children

3 Ways To Overcome Declining Reading Habit Among Children

Decline In Reading Habits Of Children

Declining reading habits has become a reason for worry, with the advent of summer every child is excited about the forthcoming summer holidays, and every parent, worried about how they would engage their children, the whole day at home.

Would there be summer coaching for calligraphy or drawing? Would my child be reading enough this summer? Dance or singing would be fine too.

The children are one step ahead as always, they already prepare a detailed list of cartoons to be watched on television, video games to be played, online games to be downloaded and probably one or two eBooks or audio books to be gone through.

Our future generation has moved so much towards digitization that reading habit among them has declined to almost nil. There are a number of problems that has lead to these lower reading habits among children. They are

1. Too Many Digitalized Entertainment

A lot of channels run children friendly programs, to attract the kids These programs being colorful and entertaining have captured the young minds totally.

Other entertainments like video games and online games too have made children totally involved with no time left to spend in reading books.

2. Parents Have Lesser And Lesser Time To Spend With Their Child

Parents spend less time with children owing to their career. They are happy if the child is otherwise engaged, rather than disturbing them during their busy schedule.

3. Unavailability Of Books

Printed versions have become an unseen commodity especially with all books going digital. This unavailability of books keeps children away from reading them.

Some other problems being no separate reading place at homes, no separate budget for buying books etc.Not visiting the local library is also a big problem.

The above mentioned and many other such reasons have made children turn their attention away from reading books. This is saddening. Reading is considered as a good hobby and also useful in emotional and psychological development of the child. Make sure to introduce great books to your kids while you still can. 

Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi aka Simple Indian Mom is an Agricultural Microbiologist and helps moms to keep their family and kids naturally healthy both mentally and physically.
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