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HomeUncategorizedThe Art Of Happiness #HappySunday -Week Two

The Art Of Happiness #HappySunday -Week Two


Not everyone is born with a sunny nature, in fact I am a moody person too. However being moody makes the whole household gloomy, being Happy is very important.

Do you know the amount of psychological researches going around the world in finding our exactly how to be happy?

Experts believe that you can bring happiness from within you and make your life more meaningful and satisfactory.

The Art Of Happiness

The Art Of Happiness
The Art Of Happiness

Happiness is an art more than a science and it has to be cultivated. The habit of cultivating happiness has a lot of positive influence on you as a whole.


Happiness is a positive feeling which leads to a lot of positivity around you.

The Aura that positivity spreads around you can be experienced in no time. Your mood is elevated and you seem the world around you is a better place.

The minor daily problems seem to not be bothering you anymore.

People who want to trouble you find it difficult to break the positive shield around you to reach you.

Your general perspective towards life and the world around you changes – positively.

Effect Of Happiness On You

Remember a time when you got a pay hike or held the documents of your new home in your hand, How did you feel?

Do you remember who was with you?

Do you remember the place where you were standing?

The person who handed you the envelop?

The color of dress you were wearing, Your partner was wearing?

The people around you who were watching or not watching you?

Well, happiness does this trick on you!

Psychology says, when you are happy your attention focus increases and your level of concentration widens. This naturally makes your remember details which you had not actually tried to remember.

A Happy mood can make you think better, in fact newer ideas pop up when you are in a happy mood.

Happiness induces better information processing in your brain, this happens from the neural signals sent out to your brain due to your happiness.

Happiness and Health

Happiness has a profound effect on your health too. A happy mood controls your thought process and induces hormones that help in protecting your body.

Those laughing groups in the park you pass by try exactly this induction through laughter.

The neuroscience behind all of this involves the parts of the brain involved in connecting the cortex (the site of higher-order cognition) with the limbic system (set of brain structures located on both sides of the thalamus, immediately beneath the cerebrum).

Moods, according to this model, have a direct connection with perception, thought and your health.

Happy Sunday – The Link Party

Sundays always are special in one way or other.

For those who work in an office, Sunday means more sleep, rest, good food and joy of being with loved ones at home.

For those who work at home, Sunday means fun, special cooking and lazying with the family.

Students and children have more Television hours and more fun.

For me Sunday is a no work day, in fact I do not work on week ends. Our week ends are always relaxing family time.

Lots of movies, picnics and outdoor games.

To make your Sunday Happier, SIM has come up with a link party!

The basic aim here is to link up with more bloggers and form a community of happy bloggers.

No extra prompt given or special writing required and the rules are simple.

  1. You can add one post per week
  2. Add my super delightful badge(code below) in your post.
  3. Share as many posts as you can via twitter or Pinterest
  4. I would be commenting on all posts and sharing them.
  5. Please use the#SIM when commenting and sharing for better reach.
  6. Comment on the post of the host and one post above your post.
  7. Link ups are about sharing and commenting so please do as many as you can
  8. Follow me on Twitter@menakabharathi and Instagram@menakabharathi
  9. Every week one blogger would be featured as the blogger of the week. He/She would be featured in twitter and in our 4k membered facebook group Simple Indian Moms.
  10. The Blogger would be featured in Simple Indian Mom’s Focus following Friday!

Have fun every Sunday!


Simple Indian Mom

Featured Blogger of Happy Sunday Week 1 – Masoom Jethwa

Featured blogger of the week
Featured blogger of the week

Masoom Jethwa is a coder, who talks to data and Numbers via scripts !

He is exploring planetary atmosphere and loves rocket and space.

He is a black and white Photographer and Poet, loves nature, and likes Sesame street and Cookie monster.

He loves the blogging community is a good in helping others when it comes to blogging.

Know More About Masoom Jethwa This Week In Simple Indian Mom’s Focus


Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi
Dr Menaka Bharathi aka Simple Indian Mom is an Agricultural Microbiologist and helps moms to keep their family and kids naturally healthy both mentally and physically.
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